How orthodontic braces work

Orthodontic braces are one of the most common cosmetic treatment alternatives in contemporary dentistry. They are used to correct and rearrange multiple teeth misalignment and bite problems.

Whether you have crooked, crowded, or protruded teeth, braces can correct most bite problems with the appropriate planning and care.

During this treatment, your dentist will attach a series of bands and wires to your teeth surfaces to induce their movement into the desired position. Although it sounds like an easy task, your orthodontist would need to perform a careful and complicated study, analyzing your bite, muscles, and bones. Usually, he requires several x-rays, plaster models, and photographs to obtain a diagnosis and determine the appropriate treatment plan for your case.

Every case is different and requires multiple movements in sequential order to guarantee the best results possible.

What is the mechanism behind braces?

The way that braces work is by applying pressure in specific parts of the teeth surfaces. This pressure induces and encourages teeth to move in a determined direction to correct their position and location.

During this process, the arch wire maintains the pressure on your teeth while the brackets keep it attached in place to the teeth surface.

Now, to understand the mechanism behind braces, you need to know one basic principle: bone remodeling. This process describes how braces can move your teeth from one place to another without hurting you or damaging them.

The primary aspect to consider is that the roots of your teeth are not stuck into your alveolar bone rigidly. They are surrounded by a thin tissue called Periodontal Membrane that cushions your teeth every time you use them. This membrane protects your teeth from hurting your alveolar bone and shields them from the tremendous bite forces. Thereby, what allows orthodontic braces to work is this ability of the tooth to move slightly inside the bone.

Bone remodeling occurs when the wires pressure the teeth slowly and progressively, stretching the membrane while keeping the teeth in the right position, creating space for the tooth to move. At the same time, the place where the tooth was is filled with a new bone; and the band and bars push the tooth forward through a safe change of position. This invisible process is what causes the mild pain associated with braces, as the bone is remodeled slowly.

Therefore, during bone remodeling in your orthodontic treatment, your teeth get stronger, and your bone newer and healthier.

Depending on the case and its complexity, you might require a few or multiple gadgets to obtain the finals results. However, although the process sounds hard, it’s a slow but constant and careful process that requires outstanding teamwork and much patience. Moreover, due to the complexity and the multiple factors involved, it is essential that orthodontics specialist companies you throughout the whole process, from the first photo to the final braces removal.

At the end of the treatment, you will have a new smile with strong roots and teeth. Although it might look like too much time, orthodontic braces are an effective way to treat most bite problems, with excellent final results.

Do you have any questions if something can be done about your situation? Then make an appointment to discuss this with our specialists 🙂